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Who own forex

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Pending orders along with SL and TP for pending orders must be woh at a distance at least the same as current spread or more from the who own forex market price. SL and TP in pending orders must be set at who own forex the same distance from the order price as the current spread. For open positions, SL and TP must be set at a distance from the current market price which is who own forex least the same as that of read more current spread.

However, if your order meets any of the following criteria, it will be executed at the first market quote that follows the gap:. If your pending order is executed in market conditions that are not normal, such as during a read article of low liquidity or high volatility. If your pending order falls in a gap was oanada are the difference in hwo between the first market quote after the gap and the requested price of the order is equal to or exceeds a certain number fforex pips gap level link for a particular instrument.

Gap level regulation applies to specific trading instruments. Fprex CFD. Forex market spreads and swaps Account. Who own forex Raw Spread Zero Pro. Account Standard. Forex market spreads and swaps Account Standard.

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